Balance Your Wheel of Life
you living an extraordinary life? Are
you consistently reaching your goals and fulfilling your life dreams? If not now, when? People all over the world feel a sense of
balance and are excited about their life. Fortunately, these are not
characteristics that only certain people can attain. This life satisfaction is available to
everyone. It is possible to start your
journey now.
Visual maps such as the Life Balance Wheel are
excellent tools used to begin the process of reaching goals and transforming
your life. Take a few minutes and assess
your life. Rank each life area by
drawing an arc at the number that represents your level of satisfaction. The
center of the wheel is 0 and equals zero satisfaction, the outer edge of the
wheel is 10 representing total satisfaction.
this were a real wheel. How bumpy or
smooth would your ride be? What areas are balanced? What areas need work? Identify the areas of
your life you are most happy. Express
true gratitude for the success and peace in these areas and know that all
components of your life can be equally fulfilling and balanced. Next, identify an area you would like to
improve. What changes are you committed
to making in your chosen area to increase your satisfaction? Feel free to choose an area that already
exhibits positive aspects. Don’t begin this process for the first time in choosing
an area you feel you “should” change.
Let your first step on the journey be an enjoyable one!
Finally, develop a plan:
What are the changes that you are
committed to making long term? What are
you committed to doing this week or today to start the process?
How will you know you have been successful?
Who can support you in your plan?
How will you celebrate your success?
Consistency and accountability
are important in designing a plan and achieving success. Remember, it takes 21 days to develop a new
habit so don’t give up. Find a friend and
make changes together or consider a coach.
A coach may be the answer if you need assistance in making your desired
changes. Often the coach is the missing link between
dreaming of a different life and living a different life. A coach will
assist you in discovering, clarifying, and creating your life, encouraging your
self-discovery, eliciting solutions and strategies, and holding you accountable
for your commitments.
Do this exercise & tell us what you think......
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